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Welcome To Steel Procure!

Steel Procure, established in 2022 as a sister company of Bluestar Enterprises, specializes in importing high-quality steel products. Bluestar, founded by Mr. Shamashad Hussain Siddiqi in 1974 and now led by Mr. Farhan Siddiqi, has a long-standing reputation in the metal trade with a global client base and a strategic presence in the USA through Bluestar Metal Inc.
Steel Procure, led by Managing Director Hashir Siddiqui, continues the family's three-generation legacy in the industry. Hashir brings extensive experience and innovative strategies to the company, aiming to expand its reach in the steel import sector.
Our mission is to maintain Bluestar's high standards while catering to the specialized needs of the steel import market. We commit to providing top-quality steel products from the best manufacturers worldwide at competitive prices, ensuring exceptional service and fostering long-lasting client relationships.
Thank you for choosing Steel Procure. We look forward to serving you and achieving great success together.

We are regularly feeding our commercial importers pipe manufacturer, construction companies, and home appliances

We consistently provide a reliable supply of products to various industries, including commercial importers, pipe manufacturers, construction companies, and home appliances companies. Our expertise lies in offering a diverse range of specialized items that cater specifically to the needs of these industries.
Steel Procure

Metal Procurement

We procure different type of metal items, particularly steel flat rolled for Commercial Importers, Pipe mills, home Appliances companies.
Steel Procure

Metal Sale

We also sale different type of materials, on behalf of our principle mills in USA, Europe, S. Africa, Middle East, Korea and for China.
Steel Procure

Metal Import & Export

We also import from China and Europe and export to Pakistan, USA and Middle East.
Steel Procure

Consultancy Services

Our professionals provide a range of accounting and assurance services of the highest standards.
Steel Procure

Market Surveys

We also conduct different market surveys regularly to get a wider idea about people thinking and about market trend.
Steel Procure

Technical Information

We can also provide technical knowledge and LC and imports issues that any one wants to solve technically.

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Steel Procure

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)